Uncharted Territory <Nixie>

An outlandish ship and her equally-eccentric crew indulge their wanderlust together.
The Nixie Herself

A hull of ironwood; masts of red pine; planks of Northern ash and yew; all felled at their prime and milled to discerning perfection. Great billowing sails stitched from waxed linen, runic embroidery covering their expanse in colored threads destined to fade under the lashing light of the sun. Without, burnished cannons to defend a vessel made for great voyages; within, lavish and eccentric cabins to make said voyages more bearable to her passengers. A figurehead carved to accompany the designs on the prow, reshaped so often over the years that it’s impossible to tell what shape it originally held.The Free Trader Nixie was new, once; each plank formed by capable Sea Wolf hands in an Aerslaentic shipyard. Though fragrant sawdust shavings and the tang of freshly-bled sap have long since been smothered by sealant and tar; blasted with the salt of numerous journeys; augmented with darksteel and piped with ceruleum; her wooden bones still carry faint memories of the ancestral ties she shares with all who have served as her captain.Within the Nixie is her greatest and most mysterious augmentation: a sturdy crystalline core of uncertain origins, surrounding and reinforcing the mainmast of the ship. This core serves as the home of the eponymous Nixie Herself: a spirit that is, bit by bit, revealing Herself to the crew. In addition to supplying myriad mystical oddities, the crystalline core assists the ship in its travels, and also serves as an aetheryte for her crew. Distributed throughout the vessel are the basic fittings required for an airship, added discreetly over time by previous captains. The current crew is eagerly pursuing the means to make this exciting upgrade to their vessel.As far as the Maelstrom is concerned, the Nixie is on the up-and-up...just barely. The vessel was once used for piracy under the direction of Hymlbyrta Lluanswysta, older sister and second-in-command to the pirate admiral Lluantoum the Depth Charge. However, the Nixie has been used as a merchantman for nearly twenty autumns now, and is currently classified as a Free Trader with special dispensations. Though the Nixie seems too light in the water for a galleon of her size and modifications, her past and present crews work hard to keep the eyes of Mealvaan’s Gate from scrutinizing her too closely.Idanwyn Wolkdraega, daughter of Lluantoum and niece of Hymlbyrta, serves as the Nixie’s current captain, and is an unlikely sort to hold the office. Though born and raised on her father’s ship, she's always preferred words to warhammers, and wields no weapons; her only formal training is in the arts of the culinarian and the Doman school of geomancy. Fortunately, Idanwyn is surrounded by a crew of capable, intelligent, and brave folk, and she doesn’t hesitate to defer to their expertise whenever it’s required, which is often.Should you find yourself interested in hiring the Nixie, purchasing passage, or signing onto the rosters, reach out to any of her current crew. We’re a friendly lot!
The Crew

Idanwyn Wolkdraega, Captain
Pronounced "ee-DAHN-win folk-DRAY-gah"
37 summers old
Nameday: 14th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon ((June 13th))
Sea Wolf Roegadyn, Female
Jovial; Adventurous; Diligent
Impulsive; Superstitious; Brash
Born somewhere in the Rhotano Sea to a clan of Sea Wolf pirates-turned-merchants, Idanwyn spent her childhood travelling the star via its vast oceans. A friendly, easygoing sort, she stands at six fulms, three ilms tall, weighing about two hundred and forty ponze; small for a full-blooded Roegadyn. She never took to the axe, nor any other combat discipline, instead training as a chef from a young age. Idan had many mentors in her chosen trade, each of which is immortalized in the dots or lines of the clan markings on her face. Love for the finer things in life led her to become a food and lifestyle reporter, first for the Mythril Eye, then for the Looking Glass, and of late. the Harbor Herald.Idanwyn's lifelong affinity for elemental aether has only fairly recently found formal training; she is a geomancer, trained by the elders that reclaimed the Swallow's Compass. After unexpectedly inheriting her aunt Hymlbyrta's strange ship, the Nixie, she had to learn (and, indeed, is still learning) how to be the last thing she ever expected to become: a Captain.

Falkgara Khannmagasyn, First Mate
Pronounced "falk-GAH-rah kon-MAH-ah-seen"
31 Summers old
Nameday: 4th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon ((August 4th))
Sea Wolf Roegadyn, Male
Gregarious; Convivial; Confident
Stubborn; Superstitious; Routine
Born in a small trio of islands in the Hullbreaker Isles, this Sea Wolf stands impressively over seven fulms amd weighs as much as one of the Nixie’s cannons. Always marked by his typical crimson bandana and inviting smile, he once regularly traveled Eorzea as an adventuring mercenary, honing his axemanship far and wide - as long as it wasn’t anywhere near Coerthas. As time went on and on, Falkgara eventually found himself at the beck and call of the Nixie and Her Captain. While fighting has been as much a part of him as the sea, he often finds himself in more calming trades; primarily fishing, but he also enjoys sailing small boats on the water just for the sake of it.Since being named the southpaw Captain’s “left hand” and First Mate, the Sea Wolf has often put himself between those that threaten the crew, betimes with more destructive force than necessary. Those that know the lore of the sea and follow more gossip than a scullery maid might look on him and see something in his face that seems familiar, looking similar to a young pirate captain that had gone missing for nearly forty years.
Zakuro Kaifu, Chief Engineer

Pronounced "zak-ur-oh KYE-foo"
30 Summers old
Nameday: 1st Sun of the 6th Astral Moon ((November 1st))
Raen Au Ra, Female
Brilliant; Passionate; Curious
Sardonic; Arrogant; Mad
Born to minor nobility in the mountain valleys of northern Doma, Zakuro Kaifu’s first and only memory of her father was of him leaving to battle the invading Garleans. Conscripted a dozen summers later alongside her sister Sayuri, Zakuro’s genius for all things mechanical soon showed itself to her new masters. The next near two decades would be a flurry of war, blood, and gears as she fought as an Imperial Architectus, serving as Zakuro jen Kaifu.All for the glory of Garlemald… and to ensure her family’s safety back at home. Of course, we all know that ended, don’t we?Defecting from the Empire after the disastrous rout of the Sixth Legion at Azys Lla, the disaffected magitek engineer found that, while primitive, there was plenty of work and opportunity to be found in wild Eorzea. She now serves as the Nixie’s chief engineer alongside a gaggle of kobold mechanics she recruited, constantly tinkering with and improving the peculiar ship which she sometimes calls her own.
Miovont Kotelleloix, Spymaster (alias Cabin Boy)

Pronounced "mee-o-VONT KOH-tell-WAH"
33 summers old
Nameday: 15th sun of the 1st Umbral Moon ((February 14th))
Duskwight Elezen, Male
Carefree; Idealistic; Free-Spirited
Impulsive; Blithe; Impractical
An affable Elezen, Miovont is ever seeking the next adventure; hoping to find joy in every sunrise and sunset. The purple-eyed Duskwight is tall and fashionable. A bulging white scar runs like roots from his left wrist, up his arm, and onto his neck, the tips cresting just over his jawline. Having spent his youth bereft of any color, he now seeks out good food and friends wherever he goes. Mio joined the crew of the Nixie seeking the adventures that awaited him over the horizon.Miovont grew up in strange circumstances and the legacy of the Kotelleloix family is a guarded, secret shame. To most, Miovont would describe the Kotelleloix line as burdened with the honor of carrying on the legacy of Joulant Kotelleloix; a dark knight who sought to uphold the ideals of Ishgard by fighting for the unfortunate. Taking her family name and wielding her soulstone, the Kotelleloix seek to do the same. Though her power comes at a price: everyone who has carried her mantle has died an early death, their aether sundered by the self-same power she grants.
A commoner only in name, Miovont was raised more like an heir to a noble house. Though his family venerates the burden of the common folk, they placed little of that on baby Mio, spoiling him. Free from other burdens, his sole worry and charge was to carry on the family’s legacy.Now the fifth wielder, Miovont seeks to break the cycle. While still loyal to his oaths, he seeks to find an end that doesn’t result in his death. He made a vow to himself to deeply enjoy what life has to offer.This vow led the Duskwight to Mor Dhona for a time. In his travels, he met the Nixie’s former warder, Nepenthe Isidoros. Over the course of their travels, she introduced Miovont to Idanwyn and the crew. Seeing an opportunity for adventure with good folks, he swore a new sort of oath to captain, ship, and crew; one he hopes will lead to an end to his family's curse.
Flame Marshal Malachi Bloodforged, Attaché

Pronounced "MAL-ah-KAI Blood-forged".
55-ish Summers. He stopped counting.
Nameday: 16th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon ((January 16th))
Hyuran Highlander, Male
Compassionate; Cunning; Tenacious
Stubborn; Outspoken; Workaholic
A refugee from Ala Mhigo, Malachi’s life has been nothing short of a challenge. While he is reserved when it comes to the details of his past, much can be inferred through his grumbled opinions that slip through conversation, or any knowledge of his progression as a public figure. After years of wandering Eorzea in the wake of the Garlean occupation of Gyr Abania, he was forced into several more years of hard manual labor. Eventually Malachi found himself on the Blood Sands, fighting with enough ferocity and cunning to earn him the title “The Bloodforged”, and his former name buried.However, this time also earned him the graces of Raubahn Aldynn, securing him a place in the Immortal Flames, much like many other gladiators who fought alongside the Bull. Malachi diligently worked his way through the ranks and managed to survive the battle of Carteneau and the succeeding Calamity, thanks in great part to skilled and dutiful healers and chirurgeons. Unfortunately, there are still a few effects he feels even years later.Currently he finds himself among the Nixie’s crew in a partnership and means to an end, about which he is quite discreet. Though he is quickly learning that his and the crew’s fates are perhaps a little more entwined than he knew, and they may be more of an asset than he ever imagined.When he isn’t working himself to the bone, Malachi delights in writing poetry. A few collections of his works have been published under the pen-name “Jahangir”, his true surname.
In-Game Housing Info
Our Free Company is located on Mateus, and we have a house in Mist, Ward 14, Plot 6.The exterior of the house is the Nixie's dock house, gardens, and café, while the interior of the house is the ship's interior.IC, the ship's home slip is on the Mist docks, directly across from the front of the dock house.The ship is strangely luxurious for a Free Trader. Due in part to the Captain's history as a chef, the food and drink are much higher quality than one might expect. Sporting an extensive library, plenty of places to read or game away the long nights at sea, and comfortable quarters with large baths, it beggars belief that this ship hasn't sunk under the weight of her own largesse.The bridge and chart room are well-equipped for steering this great vessel to her next adventure. On the lowest deck of the ship is the Rogue Wave Stage, inviting performers to sing, dance, and act in the safety of neutral waters while their audience looks on from seats below or above. There are even rumors of magicked panels granting access to a cozy lounge! The crystalline core covers the mainmast of the ship, making the Nixie Herself quite accessible to those who know how to reach Her.All of our private chambers are also cabins on the ship, with some serving as personal quarters while others are for open use. The Nixie is strange in many ways, one of which is the addition and removal of cabins seemingly without rhyme nor reason. Many of the crew complain about rooms being across the hall from where they were just the day before!Every FC member can purchase their own private chambers, and can opt to make it a private room or one for general use as they desire.(Click on the image below to be taken to a screenshot gallery of the Nixie! Even better, come visit us in-game.)
OOC Information
Active throughout the day, every day, though it’s quieter in the mornings (US-based FC). Most RP events happen on Sundays, though RP other times is heavily encouraged!
We strongly prefer FC members to be over the age of 30 IRL. We do make exceptions, however. (For those looking to RP with us but not join the FC, the minimum age is 21.)
We also enjoy doing content together, including dailies, crafting, and map nights. This varies per member, but we all love playing the game as well as roleplaying in its wonderful world.
This is a collaborative, story-driven FC. This means that everyone is encouraged to run events as well as mindfully participate in those that others make. Additionally, no one person in the FC is the “star”; Warriors of Light need not apply. Everyone will have their moments to shine, and also moments where they help spotlight the talents of others.
We are all very familiar with and fond of the lore, and are largely lore-adherent. This game’s lore is massive and eminently flexible! This allows us to confidently take creative, responsible liberties with the lore, and enjoy explaining why we bend it the way we do. One could consider us a "Final Fantasy franchise-adherent" group, with sprinklings of other Square Enix titles here and there. We believe the lore should help you write the story more than dictate what you can't do (within reason, of course).
There is no rigid FC hierarchy out of character. There are four officers, both IC and OOC: Idanwyn, Falkgara, Zakuro, and Miovont. Our job is to ensure smooth sailing (ha, ha) and answer questions potential recruits might have. If there are personal disputes, we ask that you attempt to settle them via DM if possible; if it's not, ask an officer you're comfortable with to intervene. In-character roles are driven by ship needs. The FC structure is otherwise relatively equal.
If this sounds like a good fit to you, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Any member of the FC is able to provide more information, and they can also pass you on to Falkgara Khannmagasyn, the First Mate, or Idanwyn Lluanswys, the Captain. You can also check out our discord !